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The Administration Department serves as an internal customer service provider of integrated administrative services such as general administration, human resources and risk management. 


Administrative Services provides some coordination and training to support staff throughout the city. This division also works with outside agencies on community partnership projects.

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Interim City Manager
Jerry Ramar

City Attorney

Tom Hallinan

The City Manager is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the City Council.  The City Manager carries out City Council policy by coordinating the overall day-to-day operations of City services, long-range strategic planning, city-wide budget preparation and oversight, and implements public policy-making needs of the City Council by assisting elected officials in policy development and in external governmental matters.

Jerry Ramar began his duties as Interim City Manager of Oakdale on March 7, 2025. Prior to this position, Mr. Ramar served as the Police Chief for the City of Oakdale.

Mr. Ramar has a Bachelor of Science in Supervision and Leadership from Union Institute & University, Sacramento.

City Manager's Office Contact Information


280 N. Third Avenue

Oakdale, CA 95361 

209.845.3571 phone

209.847.6834 fax

​The City Attorney's Office provides legal advice and services to the City Council and city staff.  A review of legal issues ensures that recommendations, policies, and administrative procedures are undertaken after consideration of sound professional advice.  At the City Council's direction, the City Attorney's Office may also provide for appropriate representation for the city in all legal proceedings.

Event Applications


All requests require a minimum of 30 days to review.

Occasionally, citizens, non-profit organizations or local businesses wish to use City property for special events such as parades, festivals, celebrations, sales, or seasonal activities.  City property includes parks, streets and other facilities owned and/or operated by the City of Oakdale.  In such instances, use of public property for private events, particularly those of a temporary nature, require prior approval by the City.  Approval of the proposed special event request ensures that proper steps will be taken to protect public property and the health and safety of all citizens.


The City has prepared a Special Events Application form for your use in planning the details of such a special event and submitting a request that will be reviewed by representatives of each affected City department, and then forwarded to the City Council who may be required to formally approve the request.  Please call the City Clerk's office at 845-3573 if you have specific questions about the need for a Special Event Permit. 


Effective May 21, 2007, the Oakdale City Council approved Special Events Application processing fees to help recover the costs of City staff time in processing these forms.  These forms are generated from the City Clerk's office and necessitate approval from the Oakdale Police, Public Services Departments and the Modesto Fire Department.  These fees are non-refundable.

Co-Sponsored special events and in some situations, the use of private property for temporary special events may also require prior approval from the Oakdale City Council.  If you have specific questions about the temporary use of private property for special events, please call the Community Development Department at 845-3625 during normal business hours. 


Please print the appropriate form to the right, fill out the appropriate pages for your event and submit with fee(s) to: City Clerk, 280 North Third Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361.




280 N. Third Ave | Oakdale CA 95361 | 209.845.3571

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