The Oakdale City Council holds regular meetings on the first and third Mondays at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers located at 277 North Second Avenue.

Oakdale is a full service General Law City and is managed utilizing the Council-Manager form of government. The Mayor and four City Council members are elected at large to four years terms.
As the elected legislative body of the City of Oakdale, the City Council has overall responsibility in setting policy for the scope, direction and financing of City services. The City Council establishes local laws and policy that is administered and implemented through staff. The Council is also responsible for establishing land use policies through the General Plan and zoning regulations.
Under the Council-Manager form of government, the City Council provides policy direction to the City Manager who is responsible for administering City operations. In setting policy, the Council works closely with citizen advisory commissions and committees, considers staff information and recommendations, and receives comments from interested parties and the general public.
The Mayor and City Council Members welcome the public to attend their meetings as well as meet with them on a one-on-one basis.
If a regular meeting date falls on a holiday, the meeting is typically moved to Tuesday of the same week.
In addition to regular meetings, the City Council can meet on an as-needed basis as follows:
Special meetings – Meetings outside the normal schedule.
Study sessions – Meetings with staff to discuss current issues. These meetings are different from special meetings in that Council cannot take action on items discussed in the study session. These meetings are open to the public.
Closed sessions – Meetings to address personnel, real estate or litigation matters. For reasons of confidentiality, these sessions are closed to the general public; however, members of the public may speak on the closed session item(s) and any reportable action(s) that are reported after closed session.
The City of Oakdale posts all regular and special meeting agendas in accordance with the Brown Act. Notices are posted at the meeting site, City Council Chambers, and on the City's website.
For each item on the Agenda, the Mayor will call for speakers after staff has presented their report and prior to Council discussion. Once the Mayor has opened the item for discussion, citizens wishing to speak should approach the podium, state their name, and direct questions or comments to the Mayor. Presentations should be clear and concise. Groups and organizations are asked to designate a spokesperson whenever possible. Repetition of ideas expressed by other speakers should be avoided. Speakers are limited to three minutes and speakers may not defer their time to another speaker. The Mayor has the discretion to lengthen or shorten the allotted times.
Items not listed on the agenda will be considered under “Public Comment.”
Any supporting materials that you wish to present to the Council should be given to the City Clerk before addressing the Council. All materials submitted are considered public documents. Materials submitted during a public hearing will become part of the public record and cannot be returned.
The following link will provide additional information to assist you in preparation for public hearings.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City Council meeting, please contact the Council Services and Legislative/Records Manager's Office at (209) 845-3573. Notification 24 hours in advance of the meeting will enable staff to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting.
For additional information regarding City Council meetings or agendas, please contact the Council Services and Legislative/Records Manager's Office at (209) 845-3573.
Placing an Item on the Agenda
The agenda is used as an official working guide from which the Council conducts its meetings. The agenda, which is prepared by the Council Services and Legislative/Records Manager in consultation with the City Manager, includes current legislative and policy issues which must be reviewed by the Council.
While items are usually placed on the agenda at the request of the Council or staff members, citizens who would like the Council to review a particular item should send a formal written request to the Mayor and City Council, 280 North Third Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361. The item will be reviewed to determine whether it should be handled administratively, referred to a board or commission, or added to an upcoming City Council agenda.
Agenda, staff reports, and other background material may be reviewed at City Hall commencing on the Monday before a Council meeting. Copies of the agenda are available at no charge. Agenda and minutes are also available on the City's Web site.