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455 South Fifth Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361 
Phone:  (209) 845-3625 
Fax:  (209) 848-4344
Monday thru Thursday
7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Fridays


Consolidated Plan Survey Participation Request


Help shape our community's future by participating in the Stanislaus County Consolidated Plan Survey. This plan will serve as a framework for our countywide discussions to identify priorities and needs.

Below are links to complete the survey (Available in both English and Spanish).

-English Survey link:
-Spanish Survey link:

For more information please visit:

Thank you in advance for your participation in shaping our community's future.

Community Development

The focus of the Community Development is property development and revitalization activity throughout the City, including land use planning, permit issuance and building plan check and inspection services, and code enforcement. It also administers programs aimed at the development of affordable low-income and moderate income housing. Please click on the Section/Division for more information. 


Planning Division Page


The Planning Division performs advanced and current planning functions, including processing entitlements such as plan amendments, rezones, site plans, conditional use permits, and environmental assessments. The Planning Division also prepares and maintains the General Plan and various community specific, and redevelopment plans, processes annexations, provides public counter planning services and coordinates efforts of citizen advisory and plan implementation committees.


To be directed to our Planning Division page click on the link above.


Building Division Page

The Building Division is responsible for permit processing, plan checking, and inspection services for public and private projects. The Building Division provides public counter services, processes subdivision, UGM, and various entitlements associated with development, and provides planning and engineering staff support to commercial and residential projects.


To be directed to our Building Division page click on the link above.


Housing and Neighborhood Services

The Housing and Neighborhood Services is a division of the Community Development Department. This division is responsible for the administration, monitoring, and implementation of the city's federal, state, and local housing and community development funds including:


  • Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds;

  • Federal HOME funds; and

  • Special grants from the federal government and the state of California


The division is also responsible for the Housing Element of the 2030 Oakdale General Plan. Division staff members periodically update the General Plan to reflect the changing needs of the city's population and to plan how to meet those needs.


First-Time Home Buyer Program

The City of Oakdale offers down payment assistance to income qualified, first-time homebuyers, interested in purchasing a primary residence within the city limits of Oakdale.  A Deferred payment loans of up to $50,000 (based upon availability of funds) can be utilized for down-payment or closing cost.


A INCOME LIMITS (HUD 5/2024) Family Size Income Limits

1 Person  2 Person  3 Person  4 Person  5 Person  6 Person  7 Person  8 Person

$51,050   $58,350    $65,650   $72,900    $78,750    $84,600   $90,400   $96,250


For more information regarding this program, please download the:

Application and Guidelines

Aplicación en Español


Funding Availability Status

Please call (209) 845-3600 on funding availability or for additional information.


Housing Element


Code Enforcement Division Page

The Code Enforcement Division enforces zoning violations and residential or public nuisances which create eyesores or otherwise interfere with quality of life for the community at large. The code enforcement process is initiated by an observation made by a resident. The city relies on residents to help identify possible code violations.


To be directed to our Code Enforcement page click on the link above.


Service Request 24 Hour Hotline 840-6111

280 N. Third Ave | Oakdale CA 95361 | 209.845.3571

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