Gene Bianchi Community Center

Facility Rental
The City of Oakdale has two facilities available for rent. Rental rates vary, depending upon the type of space and renter category, non-profit, private, commercial) and any add-on services you select.
Facilities available for rental:
Gene Bianchi Community Center -
Capacity 450 Dining, 1,000 Assembly
Large Conference Room - Capacity 20
Small Conference Room - Capacity 10
Gladys Lemmons Senior Center -
Capacity 200 Dining, 300 Assembly Please note that the Senior Center is rented for senior events/activities ONLY. (for example:
celebration of life ceremonies or senior birthday parties.)
The Senior Center is not rented for fundraising events
For more information on reserving a facility or park, please call us at (209) 845-3571.
Information on fees, rental procedures, rental policy, and applications are available at the link below:
Facility Rental Application Packet
Quoting Passcode: DUBMK