Municipal Utility Billing

There will be a 30 day delay for initial set-up or changes to automatic bill pay.
Application form for Water/Sewer/Garbage Services (PDF)
Application for automatic payment of City Bills (Checking Account Only) (PDF)
Payments Made in Person
Payments for Utility Service statements may be made in person at the City of Oakdale Finance Department located at 280 North Third Avenue , Oakdale, CA 95361 during regular business hours. Acceptable forms of payment are: cash, personal check, money order, cashier's check. A receipt will be provided for cash transactions. Please retain the receipt as a record of your payment.
Mail Payments
Payments are accepted at the City of Oakdale Finance Department when they are received at the City of Oakdale Finance Department. The mailing address is 280 North Third Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361 . All charges are due and payable to the City of Oakdale Finance Department on the date they are rendered and become delinquent thirty (30) days thereafter. Your prompt payment is appreciated. To ensure that full payment is received in our office on or before the due date , please mail your payment 7-10 business days prior to the due date. Payments received after the indicated due date on the invoice will accrue a ten percent (10%) penalty fee on the unpaid balance. Customers may send payments in the form of a personal check or money order payable to the City of Oakdale.
Residential Utilities
General Information
The City of Oakdale provides water and sewage, and contracts with Gilton Disposal Service for garbage pick-up. Accounts may be opened in person at the Finance Department located in City Hall.
For all “Starting Service” requests, there is a $20.00 Account Set-up Fee which must be paid at time service is established. There are no fees for discontinuing service or billing address changes. Except for spouses, a request to change the name on an account is the same as requesting “Start Service.”
A $200 - $300 deposit, depending on default payment score. If the customer prefers, they can pay $75 of the deposit at the start of services and $25 per month until the balance is reached. The deposit will be applied at the time the account is closed. If an account with no deposit becomes delinquent two times within a six-month period, a deposit charge of $25 will be added to the monthly bill until the deposit balance reaches $200. The deposit will not earn interest.
If you are the owner, Proof of Ownership will need to be shown, if you are tenant for a rental property, a Rental Agreement must be shown.
Utility bills for the prior month's use are mailed to customers monthly. All bills are due upon receipt. Any charges not paid by the delinquent date specified on the bill will be subject to a 10% penalty. A fifteen day notice is mailed if an account becomes delinquent. Water will be turned off or trash service discontinued without further notice if the bill is not paid in full. Once delinquent accounts are processed for Shut off a $25.00 non payment fee plus the delinquent balance must be paid prior restoring service. There is a $25.00 charge for all returned payments, which must be paid in cash in addition to the returned payment.. Only City personnel are authorized to shut off and restart water service, any damage caused by unauthorized tampering will be subject to other fees.
Other Fees
Non Payment Fee $ 25.00
Cut lock Fee $ 35.00
Fee to pull Meter $115.00
NSF check fee $ 25.00 for first one, $35 for second one.
Start up fee $ 20.00
Deposit $ 200.00 - $300.00 depending on default payment score.
Garbage Pickup Service Complaints/Problems – (209) 527-3781
Gilton Disposal has a franchise agreement with the City of Oakdale to provide garbage service which also includes the curbside collection of recyclables and yard waste. Collection begins at 6:00 a.m. in some areas of the City. It is, therefore, recommended that cans (toters) be taken out to the curb the night prior to pickup. Residents are required to wheel toters out to the curb on the appropriate garbage day, and once emptied, to remove the toters from the curb as soon as possible. Special handling is provided for disabled households. For this service, "disabled households" shall mean those households composed entirely of persons who, by reason of a disability, are unable to wheel toters or carry recycling bins to the curbside for collection. Call (209) 845-3571 for more information.
Garbage and Recyclables are picked up once a week.
Please put the following recyclables in the blue bag, glass bottles and jars, tin, steel aluminum cans, clear plastic containers and place the blue bag in the in the garbage (Black toter). Do not place anything other than recyclables in the blue bags. The blue bags are separated from the garbage by Gilton and recycled. Blue bags may be picked up at City Hall.
Recyclables (Gray toter) is for newspaper, cardboard and all yard and garden waste. Yard waste not in the toter will not be picked up. Cardboard boxes must be flattened for ease of collection and must be able to fit in recyclables toter. The items in the Recyclables (Gray Toter) are shreded and composted.
Toters have a serial number which each resident should record. The serial number has also been recorded by Gilton Disposal for inventory and security purposes. Toters will be repaired or replaced at no additional cost provided that the damage was not due to customer misuse or negligence. Lost or stolen toters or bins will also be replaced at no cost. Before a lost or stolen toter is replaced you must contact the police department at (209) 845-3502 and file a police report. Upon receiving the Police report number then call the Finance Department at (209) 845-3571, provide the police report number and a new toter will be ordered and delivered within 5 business days.
Household hazardous waste (paint, oil, oil filters, household chemicals) will be collected at special collection events (at no additional cost) around the County. Oakdale usually has two collection events each year. Please contact Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste at (209) 525-6700.
For mandatory recycling information, please click on the following link to be directed to our Recycling Page.
Commercial/Business Utilities General Information
The City of Oakdale provides water and sewage, and contracts with Gilton Disposal Service for garbage pick-up. Accounts must be opened in person at the Finance Department located in City Hall.
A $200 - $300 deposit, depending on default payment score. If the customer prefers, they can pay $75 of the deposit at the start of services and $25 per month until the balance is reached. The deposit is applied to the account after two (2) years providing there are no late payments on your account or at the time the account is closed. If an account with no deposit becomes delinquent two times within a six-month period, a deposit charge of $25 will be added to the monthly bill until the deposit balance reaches $200. The deposit will not earn interest.
Businesses coming into Oakdale to work or do business and request only garbage service may be required to prepay the first load of garbage collected.
Utility bills for the prior month's use are mailed to customers monthly. All bills are due upon receipt. Any charges not paid by the delinquent date specified on the bill will be subject to a 10% penalty. A fifteen day notice is mailed if an account becomes delinquent. Water will be turned off or trash service discontinued without further notice if the bill is not paid in full.
Closing Accounts
It is your responsibility to notify the City when you move or wish any changes made in your account. The meter will be read on the date you specify as the closing date, and the closing bill will be prorated for the prior month's service.
All Billing Inquiries: (209) 845-3571
Water and Sewer Service Issues/Concerns: (209) 845-3571
Garbage/Garden Service Issues/Concerns: (209) 527-3781
Please Note:
When purchasing the home you must: Complete the Utility Service Application, the Start Date, and proof of ownership (any escrow document that shows your name and new address). You may fax the both documents or drop them in the night drop outside of City Hall. There is a $20.00 Account Set-up Fee which will be included on your first billing.
When renting the home you must: Complete the Utility Service Application, including name and address or phone number of landlord, start date and and pay $20.00 account set-up fee plus deposit is required. All names on the rental agreement must be on the Utility Service Application. You may drop the application and payment in the night drop outside City Hall. Check or money order accepted.
Fax: (209) 847-6834