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Public Works

Public Works is responsible for streets, sewer, drinking water, and parks maintenance. 



To provide a high level of service and customer satisfaction through the design, construction, and maintenance of public infrastructure in a reliable and cost-effective manner.



To achieve greater customer satisfaction, increased reliability and resource conservation; maximize the use of state-of-the-art technology; and improve efficient and cost effective use of resources.



455 South Fifth Avenue

Oakdale, CA 95361

Phone:           (209) 845-3600 

After Hrs:      (209) 875-6031 

Fax:               (209) 848-4344



Monday thru Thursday

7:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Closed Fridays




9700 Liberini Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361

Ways to Conserve Water
Water Conservation Tips  
Maps (PDFs)
Street Sweeping Schedule Map

Standard Specifications

Oakdale Improvement Standards
Oakdale Post Construction Standards Plans


Master Plans (Updates Forthcoming)

Sewer Master Plan Volume 1
Sewer Master Plan Volume 2
Storm Master Plan
Street Master Plan
Water Master Plan

Engineering Permits/Forms

Encroachment Permit
Traffic Issue Submittal Form
Transportation Permit 
Grading Permit
Fire Hydrant Use Permit 
(Well) Water Destruction Application 
Water Quality Consumer Confidence Reports
 2023, 2022, 2021, 20202019, 201820172016, 201520142013,  2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
ADA Grievance Procedure

The City encourages members of the public with complaints regarding access to a facility, program, activity or service to attempt to informally resolve those complaints with the responsible person in the Department providing the facility, activity, program or service.


In the event a complaint cannot be resolved informally with the department, complaints regarding access to City programs, facilities, services, or activities on the basis of disability may be filed in writing using the ADA Grievance Complaint form at the following address:


City of Oakdale

Attn: ADA Coordinator

455 South Fifth Avenue

Oakdale, CA 95361

(209) 845-3600

ADA Grievance Complaint Form-Procedure


280 N. Third Ave | Oakdale CA 95361 | 209.845.3571

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